The Good Luck Charitable Trust has granted us funding each year for the past decade, enabling us to foster ongoing relationships with care homes and day centres, schools for children and young people with special needs, and secondary schools that partner us in our intergenerational projects.

Bromley Lions made it possible for us to give our special Coronation Day concert at a local Shortlands care home, and they continue to support our ongoing intergenerational work with Bromley's young musicians, notably through our "September Music Cocktail" in association with Langley Park School for Boys and our projected chamber music for care homes in association with Bromley Youth Music Trust. 

Sing Altogether Beckenham raised funds for our intergenerational work at a special singing event inspired by a choir mum hearing her son play sax in our musical cocktail!

Generous memorial gifts have sustained our intergenerational work over more than a decade:

John Morris worked tirelessly for many years to give a platform to young talent through his voluntary work for the Croydon Festival of Performing Arts. The fund in his memory remains open for donations and is devoted to the projects that bring young musicians and older audiences together to share music and conversation;

Hilary Macnamara was a concert pianist who also loved nurturing young musicians through her teaching; alongside her husband, our patron Howard Shelley, she supported all our projects with an especial interest in our intergenerational concerts. 

Hitchin Priory Rotary Club has recently supported “Performing for Hitchin”, helping us develop our links with Benslow Music to entertain residents of Hitchin care homes and forge new links with social Hubs in the Compassionate Neighbours project of Letchworth Garden House Hospice.


Hitchin 39's Rotary Club toy train


We are thankful to the Friends of Everyone Matters who generously support our work through standing orders, memorial gifts and donations at our public events. Our Friends are the backbone of our funding and we couldn't do it without them!