Everyone Matters works hard to ensure people of all ages, from toddlers to elderly residents in care homes, have access to the joy of music.  

Achievements and performance in 2022 to 2023

During the year from September 2022 to August 2023 we presented 32 professional concerts in community venues, ran one intergenerational project leading to a further 3 concerts in community venues and a public concert, brought added value to a residential course at Benslow Music by working alongside amateur musicians leading to two concerts in Hitchin care homes, created several new recordings and videos and distributed them online to care homes and community centres for older people, led one full workshop day for children with special needs, promoted 5 lecture-recitals and one public concert. The charity’s founder Margaret Archibald continued to work as Artistic Director and general administrator. We engaged 18 different professional musicians, worked with 11 young musicians alongside 2 music staff, and performed live music for some 950 people including residents of care homes, children and young people at two special schools, and music-loving members of the general public.

Annual Report and Financial Statements 31 August 2023

Achievements and performance in 2021 to 2022 

During the year from September 2021 to August 2022 we presented 20 concerts in community venues, ran 4
intergenerational projects leading to a further 8 concerts in community venues and a video recording to send to care homes. We also commissioned 6 video recordings for online distribution, delivered 12 workshop performances for young children and one workshop for children with special needs, and gave 2 lecture-recitals and 3 public concerts.

We engaged 17 different professional musicians, worked with 39 young musicians alongside 5 heads of music and other staff, and performed live music for some 960 people including residents of care homes, children in nurseries and schools, and music-loving members of the general public.

Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 August 2022